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Tech Venture Capitalists on Twitter

Venture Capital Twitter List by @accx

Marc Andressen @pmarca | a16z.com
Andressen Horowitz

Ben Horowitz @bhorowitz | Ben's Blog
Andressen Horowitz

Sam Altman @sama | blog.samaltman.com

Ken Howery @KenHowery
Co-founder of Founders Fund and co-founder of PayPal.

Zal Bilimoria @zalzally | a16z.com
Andressen Horowitz

Semil Shah @semil | semilshah.com

Benedict Evans @BenedictEvans | ben-evans.com
Andressen Horowitz, Telecoms

Jason Calacanis @jason | calacanis.com

Dave McClure @DaveMcClure | 500.co

Om Malik @om | om.co

MG Siegler @MGSiegler | parislemon.com

Adam Besvinick @Besvinick | ventureminded.me

Brad Feld @bfeld | about.me/bfeld

Doug Scott @doug_scott | angel.co/doug-scott/syndicate
British Tech Angel, ASAP Ventures

Chris Dixon @cdixon | cdixon.org

Anis Uzzaman @anis_uzzaman | fenoxvc.com

Ariadne Capital @AriadneCap | ariadnecapital.com

Smedvig Capital @smedvigcapital

Peter Thiel @peterthiel

Andy Rubin @Arubin

Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman
Founder of LinkedIn and now an Angel investor.

Naval Ravikant @naval
AngelList co-founder.

Tim Draper @TimDraper
Founder and MD of Draper Fisher Jurvetson.

Fred Wilson @fredwilson
Venture capitalist at Union Square Ventures.

Albert Wenger @albertwenger

Saeed Amidi
Founder of the Plug and Play technology accelerator.

Paul Graham @paulg
Co-founder of startup incubator Y Combinator.

Dr Kai-Fu Lee @kaifulee
Founder of Sinovation Ventures, a Chinese/US mobile/internet venture capital firm.







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