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Microsoft ASP.net Resources

Microsoft Visual Studio Express
Free ASP.net web development environment from Microsoft.

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC
Tutorials from Microsoft.

Great site for those learning asp.net. Lots of good tutorials and script examples.

Dr Dobb's
Software development community site.

Free ASP.net Tutorial for Beginners from Guru99
Learn ASP.net basics such as ASP.net Controls, Webforms, Web Config, Tracing, Debugging and Error Handling, with this free tutorial from Guru99.

Personal site of ASP.net developer Jeffrey Palermo.

For example connection strings to different types of database.

DotNetDUDE - A blog by Miguel Castro
Site of .net consultant Miguel Castro.

ASP.net web controls from developer Peter Blum.

Delivers unique practice-based learning solutions that present real-world coding and application design techniques, thereby providing true visibility into developer performance. This addresses one of the main concerns of enterprise customers today, who have no proven ways to assess developer performance or improve productivity.

.NET podcast which interviews leading .NET developers.

ASP.net security:
http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/02/24/438953.aspx | http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/MySQLMembershipProvider.asp | http://www.dnzone.com/ShowDetail.asp?NewsId=504

Provider Model:

Development Shops:

Navigation - A Simple and Dynamic BreadCrumb Web User Control for ASP.net

Free ASP.net Tools from Sliver.com


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