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Good Fonts List

This is a list of my favourite fonts for web and logo design.

Proxima Nova

Modern and clean.

Acumin Pro Wide

Sans serif, clean and modern. From Adobe Typekit.

Viper Squadron Font

Found at DaFont.

Eurostile Font

Uniform, modern, some character. From Adobe Typekit.

Factoria Book Font

Square, slight Wild West feel.

Ethnocentric Font

Found at DaFont.

Futura PT Book Font

Modern, clean, rounded.

Museo Sans Font

Modern and clean, circular O.

Niveau Grotesque Font

Clean and modern, circular o and e.

Foco Bold Font

Found at Typekit.

Domus Bold Font

Found at Typekit.

Orbitron Font

Technical, racy.

Coolvetica Font

Found at DaFont.

Quagmire Medium

Found at Adobe Typekit.

abeat by Kai Font

Found at DaFont.

Demonized Font


Found at DaFont.

Space Age Font

Futuristic and technical.

Pirulen Font

Found at 1001fonts.com, says free for commercial use.

Renogare Font

Found at dafont

Univia Pro Font

Univia Pro Bold Italic Font

From Adobe Typekit.

Paralucent Font

ParalucentStencil Medium

From Adobe Typekit.

Iskra Ultra Bold Font

From Adobe Typekit.

Termina Medium Font

From Adobe Typekit.

Scriptorama Tradeshow JF

From Adobe Typekit.

From Adobe Typekit.

Rogue Sans Medium Italic

From Adobe Typekit.

Serenity Heavy Italic

Found at Adobe Typekit.

Meatball Regular

Found at Adobe Typekit.

Harabara Mais Demo

Found at DaFont.


Font at Adobe Typekit.

Rogue Sans Ext Medium

Font from Adobe Typekit.

Batman Forever Font

Found at DaFont.

STR Font

Found at Abstract Fonts.

Cilogie Font

Found at Abstract Fonts.

Phutura Font

Found at Abstract Fonts.

Sansation Font

From DaFont.

Poetsen One

From DaFont.

Champagne and Limousines


Meltix Font


Prometo Font

Adobe Typekit.

Berlin Sans Font

Gill Sans








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